Dealing With Deer, Pebble Trays For Houseplants, and Live Show Questions

This episode of Plantrama was recorded live at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle. Ellen and I talked about outwitting rabbits and deer, plus we argue about the benefit of pebble trays filled with water for humidifying plants. We end with attendee questions about deer and cannabis, deer training and more.

:50       Did You Know:     Rabbit & Deer in the garden…may The Force be with us!
10:25   True or False?: Pebble trays filled with water for houseplants…do they increase humidity or not?
12:50   Inside Information: Lessons from the flower show
14:52   Eat/Drink/Grow: The Leaf stack challenge and questions from the audience including the following: Can deer be trained? Why no egg repellant spray on edibles? Does cannabis repel deer? And more!

See C.L.’s home recipe for deer and rabbit repellent here. 

Do Ellen and C.L. sometimes disagree about plants and gardens? Does a deer like hosta? 

Here is a photo of the Wireless Deer Fence we love. Available from


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